This level introduces little programmers to the algorithm allocation in functions and procedures using block programming in a variety of environments. They strengthen their skills to work with variables creating interactive games and programming robots and Micro:bit boards. They are introduced to the concept of memory register and develop interesting projects in the project part of the level.
The student will receive certificate for each completed level.
500 points
Each completed module is bringing you 100 points and the full level 500 points.
Some of the instruments and programming environments used by the students in this level.
In this module, children will learn the nature of operators and the functions they have within the program. They will use different operators as a part of the code that will process data.
In this module, children will supplement their knowledge by learning about procedures and functions. We will find out what they are used for and how to optimise program creating functions which contain different number of instructions.
In this module, children will create games applying conditional constructions, cycles and basic events. They will develop their own interactive animation with different conditions and abstractions. They will supplement their knowledge constructing a complex program that includes interaction between hardware and software objects.
In this module, children will create projects including all basic elements of programming, such as various types of cycles, conditions, events, procedures, and functions. They will create 3D effects in animations and games, develop different programs for interaction between more than one robot, and interactive animations.