General Provisions

1. These General Terms and Conditions govern the relationship between MindHub and the users of MindHub services.
2. Services are provided by MindHub based on the original curriculum developed by MindHub.
I. Main Terms
For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the following terms are used with the following meaning:
“Student” is any individual using the services of MindHub.
“Parent” is a parent or a guardian of a student under 18 years.
“Annual training” is a training with duration of at least 8 and not more than 9 months.
The annual training is divided into modules. The duration of each module is 4 consecutive weeks, except for bank holidays and compulsory vacations announced by the Ministry of Education and Science.
Enrollment (registration) requires filling in of an online registration form and payment of a fee.
II. Training Enrollment
1. Enrollment is done by creating a Parent profile, submitting an online registration form, accepting the General Terms and Conditions and payment of the tuition fee within the indicated deadlines. Enrollment is done within the announced deadlines or until reaching the vacancies limit.
2. Enrollment is deemed successful upon payment of the fee within the specified deadlines.
III. Fees, Method of Payment and Discounts
1. Fee
The tuition fee is specified on this page and is per one person.
2. Method of payment
2.1. The fee per one module is paid at once in accordance with the specified deadlines but not later than the starting date of the training.
2.2 In the event that a parent would like to receive an invoice for the tuition fee, they have to provide company data within 2 days after the payment.
3. Discounts on training
Students can use the following discounts:
3.1. A variable % for a one-time payment - the discount applies when a parent has a unique promo code from an active promotion.
3.2. 10% discount for a second family member.
The discount for a second family member applies when more than one child is trained at MindHub.
3.4. A variable % discount for prepayment of more than one monthly fee.
The discount applies when a parent prepays two or more modules upfront.
3.5. Discounts do not accumulate. The bigger one applies.
3.6. When using a discount, the client is not entitled to a refund of the prepaid amount and abandonment of the training.
IV. Interruption of Training and Absence from Training by the Client
1. Training in MindHub is optional and each student can terminate the training voluntarily, with the knowledge of a parent, at any moment of the school year.
2. If the student decides to terminate the training and a parent has already used a 3-month prepayment discount, the fees are not refundable.
3. By enrollment, the student choses to attend classes. In the event of a new state of emergency introduced by the government, and a lockdown of schools, all MindHub activities will automatically continue online, without changes on their price. In the event of absence and skipping classes, MindHub does not refund the portion of the fee, but is committed to suggest classes to work out the activities. Each child is allowed to work out one class per module except for illness reasons.
V. Training Termination by MindHub
1. The training of a student can be terminated unilaterally by MindHub in the following cases:
1.1. Poor behavior of the student. MindHub is entitled to terminate the training of a student who misbehaves thus hampering the normal training process, in which case no refund is due to the student.
1.2. Non-payment of a fee. MindHub is entitled to terminate the training of a student who delays the payment by more than 3 days after the deadline.
2. Training is carried out in groups of at least 8 students. MindHub reserves the right to suggest other groups for the training or to cancel the training if a group is less than 8 persons. In such cases there is an alternative for the student to attend the classes in another hall or to receive a refund for the module they could not start. The tuition fee is fully refundable only for canceled courses.
VI. Rights and Obligations of the Client
1. If a child deliberately damages or breaks a hardware tool during a class, the parent shall be obliged to refund its purchase value.
2. To pay the tuition fee observing the deadlines according to the chosen method of payment.
3. Parents are entitled to cancel enrollment in a course or a module in which they have registered their child within 7 days of the payment to MindHub BG EOOD without giving reasons for the cancellation. To take advantage of this right, a parent has to inform MindHub immediately by e-mail, phone call or by some of the other official channels for communication. Upon confirmation, the amount shall be refunded to the parent by wire transfer.
VII. Rights and obligations of MindHub
To provide equipment - hardware and software tools to conduct the training.
To monitor the progress of children as well as to alert the parents when a problem arises.
To provide a feedback to the parent at the end of every completed module in the form of an assessment by certain criteria and a project developed by the children.
VIII. Schedule of the classes. Training
1. The schedule of the classes is prepared before the start of the first module of the curriculum, whereas MindHub allocates the groups on a level basis.
2. The annual training of each group takes place on the day and at the time of the first module in which a child is enrolled.
3. A student can exchange the group they visit for the same module and level in another hall or city with the knowledge of a parent.
4. MindHub reserves the right to change the schedule of the classes and to cancel groups where the number of children is below the minimum.
5. The training of MindHub is fully based on the work in small groups and individual approach to children. During a class, children work in groups of 2 or 3, depending on the task.
6. During the training, MindHub provides all the necessary materials and devices for the normal course of the classes.
IX. Vacations
1. Training in MindHub during vacations announced by the Ministry of Education and Science shall be specified at the beginning of each school year.
X. Confidentiality and Personal Data Protection
For the provision of the services, MindHub can collect, process, use and store personal data of the student and their parents or guardians. Upon enrollment for a service, the student and their parents or guardians shall voluntarily provide the necessary personal data and agree that it is used for the provision of the service.
Personal data processing shall be carried out in accordance with our Privacy Policy and in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.
XI. Proposals, complaints and claims
Any proposals, complaints and claims can be submitted to
The submitted proposals or claims shall be reviewed and resolved by MindHub not later than one month of receipt.
These General Terms and Conditions are approved by an Order of the CEO and enter into force for all new and existing clients as of 01.09.2017. MindHub makes its General Terms and Conditions public for its clients by publishing them on its website and placing them in easily accessible places in its offices providing access to them for its clients. The General Terms and Conditions can be amended and clients shall be informed of the amendment to the General Terms and Conditions on the website of MindHub.

Last updated 12.11.2017